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Authorpreneurship – The Secret Sauce

1 thought on “Authorpreneurship – The Secret Sauce”

  1. Henry, Thank you for your comment. Actually, this is taken from a weekend workshop I have conducted. Is there a particular area you are interested in knowing more about? I talk about decision-making an author must make from approaching agents and publishers to connecting with booksellers, etc. Thanks. Mike

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The Secret Sauce Key Ingredient: Confidence in Yourself!

No matter what discipline you have invested your valuable time and effort throughout life’s journey, Your invested Preparation and Perseverance have nurtured Self-Confidence, the key ingredient in your Secret Sauce to success as an aspiring author.

Fact of life: Wallflowers never make it to the dance floor – their shyness shuns potential dance partners away. Wallflowers feel awkward and unsure, and prefer watching rather than dancing at a party. Some Wallflowers only bloom when secluded and alone, but who gets to enjoy the beauty of a solitary wallflower?

Don’t settle being a two-dimensional WALLFLOWER…
Blossom into a multi-dimensional AUTHORPRENEUR.


First of all, an Author is someone who writes books as a profession.

And, an Entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so; a promoter in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, an AUTHORPRENEUR would be someone engaged in writing books as a profession with a business-like mindset willing to accept greater than normal financial risks in order to be successful – ergo, also a self-promoter in the literary entertainment world.

Let’s face it, for an AUTHORPRENEUR, writing books is no longer considered an avocation, but a vocation. Success is measured by the numbers of books sold versus royalties earned, minus out-of-pocket costs.

Those happy to continue writing as an avocation – a hobby or minor occupation – will be content just watching others on the dance floor. They don’t get flustered by their lack of sales and royalties. They justify their time and investment as self-satisfying.

However, those desiring to grow their writing into a vocation have a strong feeling of suitability for becoming an author (a writer of books as a profession) and desire their books to be regarded as worthy and of value to others, and are dedicated to not only writing but also promoting what they write.

* * *

Beyond honing one’s writing skills to be an author, consider these biblical principles as practical advice for growing as an Authorpreneur:

Proverbs 27:17… As iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman) sharpens another.

Does your network of like-minded authors inspire and encourage you?

Is your platform or audience engaged and eager to invest in your books?

Eccl 4:12… Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves, but a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Have you built a strong team, i.e., editors, writing coaches, critique partners, and others as needed to produce and promote your book(s)?

Proverbs 15:22… Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.

Writing a compelling book is hard enough, but what thoughts have you given to the process of publishing and promoting your book?

John Donne wrote: No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main… therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

An AUTHORPRENEUR understands the risk of attempting to be an island in the sea of books that are flooding the market every day!

An AUTHORPRENEUR understands the splash needed to create a ripple effect that will cause his or her book to stand out and get noticed.

Are you stuck with your back to the wall at the dance – a Wallflower, never reaching the dance floor? Or, are you ready to dance in the spotlight?

More tidbits about AUTHORPRENEURSHIP to follow… You can also look to a future workshop in your area.

T. M. Brown


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