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Thank you for subscribing. Here is the JULY NEWSLETTER with a brief look back at last month and pertintent news as summer is in full swing in the heat of July!

Remember… reviews help other curious readers

Even if you can only leave a rating on Amazon, Goodreads, or Barnes & Noble, your brief rating or review will help others to enjoy the stories you have enjoyed. I will be planning to post reviews and comments about the story on my author site as well. Not everyone can leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads or Barnes & Noble.

Email your review or comments to

If you have not gotten one of the four novels, visit The Last Laird of Sapelo Bookshop or Shiloh Mystery Series Bookshop There are links to help you order the book(s) you need for your summer reading. If you are looking for special signed editions, email Mike.

Looking ahead…

August is the anniversary of the launch of The Last Laird of Sapelo (August 15, 2023). Book talks with a discussion of the fact versus fiction in the historical anchored story is on tap, as well as sharing additional backstory and historical details on Sapelo’s resettlement after the Civil War.

Watch for details of the upcoming anniversary event schedule. If you would like Mike to visit a bookstore or library or other history venue in the coming weeks, please drop an email to

Before you ask…

Yes, I am busy co-writing/editing a great story of a teenager becoming a man in Louisville, KY in the 1950s. His father was a hard-nosed WWII hero and successful business entrepreneur, who raised Slim to fight his own battles and pushback when pushed. Based on the life of Noel Shumann, it is a compelling novel that tells of growing up as a kid following WWII and the Korean War era in the horse country of Kentucky. Watch for more details. We will be looking for a few advance BETA readers, if you are interested.

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