Authorpreneurs Never Cease to Bang the Drum
An Authorpreneur accepts there are no shortcuts around dedication, discipline, and determination to reach the desired destination you first envisioned when you began writing your book(s). There’s a vast population of good books heaped upon the pile every day that the author abandoned to the winds of chance and opportunity to promote and sell their books. Then there are likewise scores of success stories in the publishing world about authors who made the best-sellers lists, but when you examine their books, you wonder why yours didn’t succeed.
The answer to the why is tenacity – they persisted and persevered while others threw their hands up and walked away. They fixed anything broken but kept forging ahead until their book built the momentum that launched the bandwagon syndrome. Once the bandwagon begins to roll, no one wants to be left out. That’s when the magic happens, and promotion and marketing of your book become fun.

Authorpreneurs understand the value of hype and hysteria to draw people to open and then purchase their books. However, don’t stir up unwarranted hype and hysteria to get attention, because that can cause irreparable harm. Stir up the gradual, crescendoing din of growing interest in you and your books. As the noise increases, more and more people will be encouraged to comment on and suggest your book to others. Favorable crowd noise is your friend, but don’t ignore any negative buzz among the din of whispers. Snuff the buzz by addressing the growing murmurs. You’ll never silence all negativity; listen and decide the warrant for their objections, and then take action.
Do you remember why you chose to write in the first place? After experiencing all the twists and turns along the publishing journey, you can lose sight of why you decided to become an author. Compromise is the first side-step toward seeking a shortcut. Turn deaf ears to promises of alternative paths that sound too good to be true. The only truth will be those promises will cost you your dream and your pocketbook. Neither bribery nor ransom can purchase the success you first envisioned. Only patience, persistence, and perseverance can redeem the price of success.
Remember the WHY of your journey; it is the secret sauce that fuels your internal drive as an author. No one will bang your drum like you, and no one can get your book’s bandwagon rolling but you.
T. M. Brown